Margaery Tyrell comes before Joffrey (even though she seems to have dressed in haste and forgotten her cami) and says she’d love to be his wife, with all her heart (which we can plainly see). Would you consider joining our houses, if you get my drift (and have you seen my sister’s cleavage?). But speaking about Renly, Loras mentions that his sister is recently widowed and she could really use a new husband, preferably one who sits on a throne. Ser Loras Tyrell is next called forth and he is acknowledged for the great service he and his family gave in the battle against Stannis and is told he can have whatever he desires (except for Renly, sadly). Lord Varys is not impressed, but at least he hides it well. Littlefinger is beaming at the thought of his own noble house, one to pass on to his progeny. Joffrey next calls Lord Petyr Baelish and for his ingenuity in helping to foster a alliance between the House Tyrell and the House Lannister he grants him the burned out wreckage castle of Harrenhal and all its related income and lands. Tywin accepts the position and rides off.

King Joffrey bestows all sorts of honors on his grandfather, proclaiming him the savior of the city and the Hand of the King. In a meaningfully symbolic gesture, Tywin Lannister’s horse defecates as it enters the throne room, the exalted hero of the Battle of Blackwater on its back. Pycelle reminds Tyrion of how he had paid the whore Pycelle was caught with the day he had Pycelle arrested, by tossing Tyrion a coin “for your trouble.” He has been downgraded now that he is no longer Hand of the King.

His father Tywin is being trumpeted as the savior of King’s Landing, responsible for defeating Stannis Baratheon. Pycelle catches Tyrion up on what he has missed while recovering. In other words, I need witnesses and protection stat! Tyrion shouts for his squire Podrick and asks him to tell Bronn and Varys that he’s there with Pycelle and alive. He looks up to see Maester Pycelle, who he had famously tried to lock away forever not long ago. His face is bandaged, but he has survived his wounds. At first the eye shows a reflection of fire in the nighttime.